前言:10月末,我和同事一起参加了位于山西省永济市蒲韩社区的“生态农业与合作经济会议”。这是我第一次住在中国的农民家里,也是我第一次近距离地了解中国农村。 继续阅读“初探中国的美丽乡村——蒲韩社区”
Nine years ago, a senior-one student raised her hand nervously in a grade rally where some professors from famous universities came to give some speeches and it was the Q&A session. She was nervous because she wasn’t used to raising the hand in such occasions, but luckily, she got a chance to express her confusion – a confusion puzzled her for several years and would continue to puzzle her. 继续阅读“Crossroad”