我可以做的事(火花·持续更新)What I can do (updating)


  1. 我有很多各国的朋友们。文明的冲突和割裂让人不免有些心情低落,似乎“去全球化”的浪潮正愈演愈烈。我非国际关系专业,对国关理论也是一知半解,也没有系统的全球政治经济知识框架,但很多人也没有。不仅没有,还带有强烈的有色眼镜,无知却不自知。也许我可以和各国的朋友们做一些深入沟通,让亲历者讲述各地正发生的事件,了解他们对这些事件的认知和态度,对他们的影响。放下高高在上的身段,近距离聆听和了解。这也算是搭起一座异国交流的桥梁。(2021.3.25)

I want to make this blog at least bilingual. I have kept thinking what meaningful things I can do except for my work.  The first idea is to become a bridge between foreign countries and China. More concretely, I want to interview my foreign friends who are impacted by distinct events (e.g. recent turmoil in Myanmar – the use of “turmoil” doesn’t want to offend anybody) and write them into stories. I don’t have a solid academic background in IR, neither gain a systematic knowledge framework of global politics and economy, but this may help write easy-to-understand stories. I found many people around me have colored glasses and even don’t realize that. Or they can only know what is happening through news which usually lacks personal perspective. These stories from witnesses can be another important supplement. I think it’s a fantastic idea and worth implementing.


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