

年前看了陈涛博士写的《产业转型的社会逻辑——大公圩河蟹产业发展的社会学阐释》,觉得不错。趁着疫情的假期,我写了一份摘要,有将近10000字。因为主要目的是希望别人能看到此书的精华部分,以及自己做一个整体的梳理,所以有点显啰嗦。而这篇则是通篇梳理之后自己的思考和感想。 继续阅读“大公圩生态养殖实践给我的启示”

什么是改变价值(transformative value)?



这个问题或许可以一分为二地看,一是自然本身的价值(intrinsic value),二是我们从自然获取的价值,或称工具价值(instrumental value)。 继续阅读“什么是改变价值(transformative value)?”


前话:什么是可持续(sustainability)?当我们不断地去讨论、去定义可持续的时候,蓦然回首,可持续最原始的概念难道不是可以一直继续下去吗?当我开始抛弃自己的爱好,像苦行僧一样坐在书桌前或一筹莫展,或艰难地一字一句,或百无聊赖地开始刷手机时,不正意味着这件事已经不是可持续的了吗?那我是不是应该换一个姿势让研究可持续这件事本身也变得更加可持续呢? 继续阅读“漫谈国内自然教育大背景”

About me & why I opened this blog & my status now

Hello, world. This will be my first English blog on this website. I will give a quick introduction about me and why I opened this blog, and share something which I think may be more important.

So, I am YU Shuangying. I have to give my real name first, or I’m afraid that some people may think “Helen YU” is my real name. This is an online home for Helen YU. “Yu” in Chinese has the same pronunciation as fish. Also I wish I could be as free as fish. That’s probably why the domain is Helencanbefish. “Helen” is an English name given by my English teacher in my primary school. I pretty like it (possibly because of Helen Keller) so I have kept until today. The name has been with me for about 14 years. I opened this blog is because I wanted to write freely.  继续阅读“About me & why I opened this blog & my status now”